Custom applications

Developed by: fl|is software development & IRSA Informatica

Part of our software development activities are aimed at customizing standard management packages, to meet the particular needs of individual users. In fact, it is a very frequent case that users of programs, in particular in the management software sector, who find great advantage, especially financially, from turning to standardized programs, then need to integrate the procedures in order to respond to specific cases for the specific to their reality.

In this context, integration interventions can range from small reporting procedures and analysis of the data stored in the management database, to data interfacing procedures between different software, up to actual, so-called "vertical" applications, which provide a complete system management of specific needs and which then interface with the software used for accounting and administrative management. This is the case of our applications, documented in specific sections, such as "Impianti" which is a program for managing the estimate and site accounting of plant installation companies, and which interfaces with the "Gestionale 1" software and "Adhoc Revolution" by Zucchetti, or like the "Production Monitor" program which interfaces with "Adhoc Enterprise", also by Zucchetti.

As already mentioned, in addition to these vertical programs, there are numerous personalization software, much more limited in size but equally indispensable for a user who does not want to settle for what the standard programs offer. Remembering them all would be long and not very useful, as they often target very particular cases. We limit ourselves to list some of them, only by way of example, products to customize Zucchetti standard applications: "Gestionale 1 Zucchetti" and "Adhoc Revolution".


ImportGDS is a program created for Volvo workshops that use 1 Zucchetti management software as their accounting software. The program allows you to import invoice data created in Volvo's GDS system into the management system. In fact, the workshop through the Volvo portal called "GDS - Fusion" performs all the management of the warehouse, purchases and sales, then using the program of our production ImportGDS transfers the sales data to the accounting managed through the Gestionale 1 Zucchetti software. In this way, it obtains the advantage of being able to integrate the indispensable Volvo software with a simple, intuitive, economic administrative-accounting software such as the Gestionale 1 Zucchetti management software.


Manufacturing companies that sell to large distribution chains, such as Conad, need to present sales documents (invoices and credit notes) through an electronic system having specifications defined by the customer. This system, called "re-invoicing", allows large retailers to receive supplier invoices through a file that is automatically acquired by their management system, thus reducing their costs. For this reason, those who want to work with large retailers are faced with the need to automate the generation of the file to be sent to the customer. RifatturaG1 satisfies this need for companies that use the 1 zucchetti management software as business management software. In fact RifatturaG1 presents all the invoices for the period, created within the management system, on screen and allows you to generate the file with a simple click, which will then be sent by e-mail to the customer.


Often small companies need to have a simple and intuitive program that allows administrative management, but then delegates fiscal accounting management to a consulting firm. They therefore need to transfer the information present in their accounting records to the tax consultant program. To avoid that the accountant has to manually reload all the data in his program, with an obvious increase in costs, a transfer in electronic mode is useful, through files that the consultant can reload into his own system.

G1-TS is a procedure that allows you to export the data in the accounting of the Gestionale 1 Zucchetti management software to a file that can be imported into the TeamSystem procedures used by many consultancy firms.

The program shows on video the recordings present in the Gestionale 1 for the period of interest and with a simple click of the mouse it is possible to generate the file in the format compatible with the TeamSystem procedures.


StatisticheG1 is an application that interfaces with the Zucchetti Gestionale 1 management archives and allows you to obtain statistical analyzes of the data present there.

The data is processed and then sent to a .xls spreadsheet which can be opened and further processed at will by the user.

It is possible, for example, to obtain an analysis of sales, with data relating to the value (invoiced amount) or quantity sold, filtering by period and possibly by customer or counterpart. The data can be compared with those of previous years.

Purchase analysis

A very useful application in the analysis of purchases, always developed on an AdHoc basis by Zucchetti, but connectable to any other management system. It provides statistics based on periods that can be modified dynamically by the user of product families of particular interest.

It provides reading keys different from the standard management reports, more in-depth, crossed with external data sources, always updated instantly, by a more complete reading key of the data.

Modify price lists

Updates the prices of the various price lists in the company management system in a simple, dynamic, safe way, always developed on an AdHoc basis by Zucchetti, but can be connected to any other management product.

It takes the data directly from an external source, for example Excel and immediately updates a certain price list, valid in a certain period, all managed visually in the main console.

The various company lists can be kept under control, compared with other sources, such as costs or reference lists immediately and, if necessary, updated prices on the sales program.


It is an interface between management software and the PLC of dough dividers for food products. It allows you to manage the machine directly from the software in which the production is programmed. Monitor equipment status and production progress in real time. Receiving feedback from the PLC SVI-Manager processes the data by closing the programmed productions making statistical information.

With this solution, we have transformed traditional equipment into an Industry 4.0 certified system

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About Company

New startup, which is based on thirty years of experience in the field of design, development and management of production plants. Software development and IT systems, corporate networks. Regulatory and design skills oriented towards road signs.

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Lastest works

Recent start-up of the Elan Signage plant in Doha Qatar.

Creation of chemical treatment management software for powder coating systems.

The electronic invoicing module for IRSA management software has been developed

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